I'm in Portland visiting my brother and his family for a few days. I've been enjoying some quiet time away from all writing. But since I'm waiting for my homemade ketchup to reduce and I've got half an hour before I put the chicken fingers in the oven, and the mac and cheese and salad are already done. We're having my brother's brother-in-law and his family over for dinner. Three kids and six adults. Should be interesting.
But now I have a quick moment before guests arrive to reflect on the past few days. I used to live in Portland right after college, so watching the city change over the past several years has been amazing. And now my brother and his family live here. So it's a great excuse to come back. I walk the streets and remember what those two years of my life were like when I was younger and just figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. Portland was such an adventure for me. First of all, my hair was longer. And it was the place where I chose to live first as an adult. I have great memories of running around town with friends - two of whom I saw last night.
It's funny with old friends how you get right back into step. My friends Jeff and Andrea are the big brother and sister I never had. They're always looking out for me, even all of these years later. Again, I heard the same story that I've been hearing from EVERYBODY: "We knew something was up, but didn't want to say anything because he was your boyfriend." Okay, it's official - he wasn't all that well liked. My friend Molly put it this way: "I met him just one time, so I just thought he was having a bad day." Holy shit the things you see when you're out of a relationship. Molly saw me on the last trip I did without him and she said that's when I seemed like myself.
I wasn't myself when I was with him! And everyone saw it. There are no secrets. So as myself, I went to dinner w/ Jeff and Andrea last night. We drank and ate. I introduced them to the joys of Soave, a great Italian white. We went to Kell's, an Irish bar in Portland that was exactly the same as when I was there years earlier: Irish band playing, drunk girls trying to talk to drunk boys. Nothing really had changed. Then I took them to Silverado, which is a gay strip club and it was packed. And a lot of fun. I had also gone the night before. I like staring at weenie. What can I say? The guys get naked. I love dudes.
So I'm making a little bit of a resolution about this blog. Enough introspection for awhile. it's not good reading. what is good reading is the ins and outs of my life right now, which is also a lot more fun to write. It's been a little too serious lately. I guess that's the new year kicking in.
One more resolution: I need to stop reading my ex's tweets. It's all getting a bit weird. I haven't told anyone that I check them every day, sometimes more than once. I have to unfollow him or something. But I still have this desire to know what he's up to.
Okay, since this is the 90th blog post, I'm going to give myself license to go on about whatever I need to go on about - good, bad, indifferent, sad, introspective. And then starting with post 100, I promise more entertainment. I certainly need it. Also, there might be a clip show in there somewhere, to go over the high (and low) lights. There have been a few. So enjoy the free form blogging from now until post 99.
Hopefully, I will be able to keep it interesting.
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