Friday, July 8, 2011

Farewell Recap: My Health

As a part of my farewell to this blog, I'm doing a bit of a recap of where I am on certain subjects. And when I'm finished, just like I did when I broke up with my ex, I'm gone.

But I promise to leave my forwarding address...which will be another blog about something besides my now 8 month old break up. I think it's time to move on.


My health

I had a massage last night. The circumstances to how this massage happened are unimportant. But when I was on my stomach the guy massaging me made an interesting observation. He said that I was holding onto some fat that he could feel (he has experience with acupuncture and massage training). It's the type of fat that clogs arteries and while I won't have a problem immediately, it's something I should get rid of so I don't have problems in the future.

I have been eating the bacon and sausage my father is trying to get rid of so they don't have it in the fridge. Probably not the best just eat the fatty foods my father can't.

But this guy said that I should get rid of about 4% body fat. This is what's funny. I am a vain person. But I like to think that I instinctively know what my body needs. I've lost weight recently and have thinned down - I've never been overweight, but I've always held onto a little bit of extra weight. But here's the point. I don't think I look good from the back. There's something about my body that doesn't seem right. Not that I have to be skinny skinny with six pack abs, but something just seems off. So maybe I actually knew something was wrong. And 4% less body fat is good for me. Last time I measured I was about 16, which was down from 20. But I've gotten skinnier, so maybe I'm about 12-14 now and I could get down to 8-10. I'm all about it. For health reasons of course.

But it's something to think about. This sort of preventative information put it all into perspective. My Dad has been a relatively thin person his whole life. That doesn't make him healthy. But that's what we think skinny=healthy. Not true. And if I want to avoid having the same health problems, I need to cut out the fat in my diet. My brother is naturally thin and his natural body type is really thin. He's got broad shoulders and looks hot. But he is not a stocky person. He's got a tiny waist.

It's all about being where you're supposed to be. And I'm supposed to be lighter in body fat by 4 percent. Holla!

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