And it needs to KEEP conspiring.
I had coffee with my friend Larry yesterday. Larry's one of the writers in the Playwrights Union. We both unemployed right now and have free time to WRITE (which is what we are doing and should continue doing) and MEET up for coffee (in his case) and tea (in mine...still caffeine free). We're both trying to make our way to that illusive first staff writing job. And we're both working our asses off. So we were comparing notes a bit.
During that conversation, my friend Susan emailed me to call her about some job possibilities she had.
On my way home, I saw the email and called her right away. She said she knew someone who was looking for help. She's a writer who needs an assistant. I had some reservations, but right now I'm more poor than skeptical. Then she said she had transcribing work for me as well for projects she's working on. This is good. I could use some money, even though I have some coming in through unemployment. But more money is good.
Then Larry followed up on our conversation and asked me to read a script of his that his manager didn't want to send out. I read it and had some notes. We chatted this morning and based on some advice I had included in the notes, he asked if I would write a guest blog post on his blog. I liked that idea, so I said yes.
I reached out to the women that Susan had put me in touch with to have a call with her at 4 PM. Never heard back, but she called me at 3:58. Another red flag. Then she called me on her way to somewhere with the window down so I could hardly hear her. But what I made out is that she's totally disorganized and has this whole business she wants to put together and needs a "right hand." I've been here before and some of my skepticism was confirmed. But again, my poorness outweights my questions at this point. I told her what I do and how I could possibly help her. But I also had reservations. I told her that we could meet this weekend, but that I would look at her Facebook page (huh?) and her incomplete website (oy) to get any more information about the company. She also said to Google her. This does not look great. But if the money's good and if the demand on my time isn't crazy, then I'm interested in talking further. But if needs someone to organize her, she's not going to be organized in this conversation. But it's good to have possibilities.
Then I reached out to my friend Elyzabeth to catch up and she mentioned this writers conference that she's going to be at this summer which is a part of the teaching job she's taking for the school year starting in the Fall. She said I should apply if I'm not doing anything this summer. Another lovely option. Spend a week with a bunch of writers at the end of the summer? Hell yeah. I'm game.
So I feel like the Universe is conspiring for something. I'm 39 pages into this new rewrite. I'm going to do more tonight. I wrote the blog post. I sent it to Larry. I leave to Portland next week where I will be rewriting what will be a full draft by the time I leave for Portland. I have my own little writers retreat set up. My brother and his family are out of town until Wednesday, then I'm with them for a week. I'm also going to this anniversary party for the ad agency I used to work at. More people to meet and catch up with and more destiny out there waiting for me. I feel like it's a time for supreme connectivity.
So it's time for the Universe to conspire. I'm working my ass off and I'm ready.
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