Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tarot Card Reading: Ask For Help

It has been about eight months since my last Tarot Card reading.  I guess a lot of life happened and Susan and I couldn't get it together.  But tonight, the stars aligned.  We had seen each other at a party earlier that day.  Her husband was working.  My boyfriend was gigging.  The kid went to bed early.  It seemed like a good time to get this done.

I had been wondering what the cards had for me.  A month ago I looked back at the last reading she did and none of it seemed to be relevant anymore.

The cards signaled that some changes needed to be made and I felt like many things had shifted in my life since the end of 2013.  I've been meditating.  I'm focusing in a more spiritual direction.  This year has been uber productive in terms of writing.  I feel like the motivation I've wanted since my Dad passed has finally begun to take root.  And this new reading seemed to reflect the changes that had happened.  It was a very positive reading, but also insightful and reflected what I'm feeling about my course in life these days.

Susan had me pick a card out of her specialty deck.  The card usually reflects a theme or gives a direction in what to focus on.

Ask for help.

That was the most direct card I had ever gotten.  The messages were usually a little more interpretive.  The last time we did a reading my card was Honor Thy Error as Hidden Intention.  The meaning of that unfolded for months afterward.  Ask for Help is a little more specific and direct.  But it seems to reflex the state of things.  The brush has all been cleared away and now I'm seeing things clearer.

Ask for help.  I can do that.

When Susan started uncovering the cards she was amazed that they all seemed to be Vision cards.  The cards she was pulling for me seemed to do with passion and having a Vision towards what I'm meant to do.  Having a clear idea of how to conduct myself.  I wanted concrete answers and this reading seemed to be very concrete, mainly because I had become more specific in what I want.

She also got the feeling that this was going to be a reading about Work, which was of no surprise to me since that seems to be what I'm most concerned with these days.  So I'm going to look at the reading again, using the same online resource I used last time that shed a bunch of light on what I was seeing and hearing.

Where You Are Right Now (Knight of Wands)
This is a great time to Travel, if you can get away.  You're feeling charged up, full of energy, ready to get things done.  Self confidence is increasing.  Knights are message bearers and in Wands, related to work and positive.  Projects are likely to be more successful than expected.  Savor it.  Money should be flowing easily at this time.  But still cut expenses where you can.

You don't know what you're looking for, but what you're looking for is coming.  Get on with what you need to get done.  This is a good time to accomplish what you want without worry or concern.

Atmosphere/Setting the Stage (9 of Wands)
One last challenge is in front of you before you get your goal.  You're in a position of strength.  Plan your next course of action.  You have plenty of skill still in reserve.  Your work gets recognized at an iffy time.

You may have some concern or worry.  Don't be afraid to pinpoint where that worry is coming from.  And Ask for Help (there it is again).  Give your love some breathing space if you've been disagreeing.  Worry, anxiety and stress are affecting you right now.  Make sure you take care of yourself with food, water, exercise and rest.  Focus on the positive.  Surround yourself with good people.  Be grateful.  Focus, plan, call yourself to a higher spiritual involvement.  Discipline will help you now.

What I'm Supposed to Be Learning This Month (The Lovers)
Associated with duality.  Gemini.   There might be some ambivalence in a love relationship.  In Fear vs. Love, choose Love.  Bring Love to the center stage of your life.  You may be making a decision regarding work or career.  Take time to think it through.

Choices.  Duality.  There's a sudden and unexpected change in love life.  You're looking at security versus risk.  Your current relationship is going through a major change.  This is a blessing in disguise.  You might be conflicted with taking a work relationship further.  You've got decisions to make.

The Root/ The Unconscious/ The Foundation I'm Standing On (10 of Discs)
This is a good omen. It means your material wishes will be met, perhaps to a degree you didn't think possible.  Positive in all relationships.  You have a great deal to be thankful for.  Make the best of it and make sure to share what you have.

This is a carefree stage in your life.  There is abundance and stability.  Beyond material prosperity.  You're going to achieve job security.  Don't be afraid to take risks.  This is a great time to be self employed.  Create a base for yourself.

The Last Two Weeks (Strength)
Mind over matter.  Whatever you want, you can harness your thoughts and achieve it.  Conquer your fears, control your impulses and never lose patience.  Make time to meditate, contemplate and spend time alone.  Do not allow yourself to spend time in contemplation and fear.

This indicates Leo or the Lion.  Rulership.  It's implicit that you trust in your own abilities.  You have an internal power that you need to trust in.  There's a harmony of the spiritual and the material.  You have the ability and you need to overcome your own obstacles.  You're in a strong position work wise.

How Others See Me in the World (Daughter of Discs/Page of Penticles)
There might be more work than there is time to do it.  Roll up your sleeves and get it done.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Remember, if you need assistance, ask for the help (there it is again) you need.  In love relationships, things might have gotten stagnant or boring.  Make sure you focus on remedying that.

You're a student, an apprentice.  You've got boundless energy and enthusiasm.  There is little distinction between work and play.  You're solitary and headed toward the journey of a vision quest.  You're idealistic.  You will receive good news regarding clients.

The Next Two Weeks (The Crone/The Hermit)
A spiritual card.  You might have to spend a lot of time alone.  Go ahead and take it!  Don't be afraid to be alone.  This is a card about trying to do the right thing, just make sure it's the right thing for you and not about taking care of others.  Work success and recognition are well within your grasp.  Do your best to be organized and productive.  It will pay off in ways that are not clear yet.  Keep connected to your lover to keep the spark alive.   Ritual is important health wise.  You may have a mentor coming into your life.

Searching for truth.  Solitary journey.  You'll get into the deeper levels of your psyche.  Your inner light will illuminate others.  This card is associated with Saturn Returns.  Your period of solitude is nearing completion.  There's an increase in productivity and success is within your reach.

Self Concept Card/How I Feel About Myself (Shaman of Swords)
Someone with a strong, forceful opinion.  Active meditations are useful now.

This card and the Son of Wands speak to each other.  You're a writer.  Your cutting ruthlessness is about getting rid of what is useless.  You're the head of your own company.  You rarely vacillate.  Associated with Air signs: Aquarius (my sign).  Cut away from an old idea which has outlived its purpose.  Listen to your intuition.  You have the intellect to cut to the heart of the matter.

Hope and Fear (Queen of Wands)
This is a highly fertile time to get things accomplished in your work and career.  This is the time to get a lot done in a short amount of time.  Positive uplifting energy.

Female energy.  There is wisdom and knowledge that has been brought to you.  You are whole or becoming whole due to self acceptance.  Your temperamental behavior is simply a part of who you are.  Don't lose that.  Your work is very important now.  There is an older woman who is going to be very helpful to you.  Expect improvement in work.

Home (2 of Penticles/Discs)

There is travel related to job and profession.  Be flexible in juggling many things at once.  Take a calculated risk.  Squeeze time together with loved ones, even though it may be hard to do so.  You might have more than one job and multi tasking might be necessary.  A major change is ushered in.  Your juggling won't feel like juggling.

Next Steps:
(King of Penticles)

Authority, tradition and success in money matters.

A woman.  A business contact.  She's pragmatic.  There's confidence and ability to plan and produce.  You'll get help from a boss figure, an authority.  This will bring unexpected recognition.  You have a project rearing completion, gearing up for the next undertaking.

(9 of Pentacles)

Great omen in regards to money.  Financial success.  Expect the best to happen.  You're in a position to help others.  Pay attention not only to your material abundance but also your spirituality.  A better job than you thought possible.

You're alone, but not lonely.  You don't need constant companionship.  Self reliance is the key to prosperity.  You're making your own way.  You're in a comfortable position.  Don't need to take on projects that don't really interest you.  Be true to yourself to attract opportunities.

(Page of Wands)

Things you started long ago are starting to come to fruition.  There is also a need for new ideas, new adventures and new approaches.  A very creative time for you.  Dream, play, be inventive.

You are looking for an agent for your screenplay (literally, the exact words).  Creative seeds planted will begin to sprout.  There's a message regarding employment.  You might initiate a project that's taken over by someone else.  You're getting recognition.  New opportunities seem to appear out of the blue.  Something you've applied for, you will get.

(Queen of Pentacles)

You are likely to make a lot of headway now.  With the help of a woman with dark hair and eyes.  Bring items from your home life into your work situation.  It will make you feel more at home and make you more effective.  Trust yourself.

There's a protective, go-getter of a woman coming into your life.  You like practical, tangible solutions. You're building on your achievements.  You're the happiest in your personal space that you've created surrounded by the things you love.  When paired with the 10 of Pentacles, you should expect a dramatic increase in income.

Again, this was a pretty positive reading which points to trusting who I am, which will lead to prosperity of material, spiritual, physical and emotional wealth.  And there is a woman coming that will help me achieve my vision.

I'll be taking a while to take all of this in.

I am grateful for this reading.
I am grateful for all of the good coming into my life.
I am grateful for the seeds I planted long ago.
I am grateful for everything that has led up to this moment.
I am grateful for the fun, light and love in my life.
I am grateful for the surprise and wonder of things to come.