You know that list that you make of all the things you'll do when you get out of your relationship?
Oh, wait. Maybe you don't. If you're in a healthy relationship you probably don't. I'm telling you, I'm really starting to notice some very telling things about myself.
In any case, here's the list.
1. Get a haircut. That's happening this Wednesday. I will report back to let you know what my hair looks like after I get it done. I was telling a friend today about the haircut and I said, "I'm not sure how I'm going to cut it. Not that it matters, but he always liked it long." She responded with, "It totally matters. Cut it off. I keep it short because MY ex always liked it long."
2. Get rid of things I don't need. Did that.
3. Don't do THAT again. I haven't been so successful with this one in the past. I won't do THAT again.
4. See my friends more. Appreciate them more.
5. Focus on what I want.
6. Start changing other things in my life. Start making new and more changes.
7. See my niece more often.
8. Go on Facebook less.
9. Workout more.
10. Cut out carbs. I'm gay. This one is really important and has been reiterated by my friends who say I need to get my single body back.
11. Use the word "Amazeballs" more often. I like that word, so I should feel free to use it.
12. Start dancing again. That includes yoga, too.
13. Get back to writing a blog. Done.
14. Look at my expenses and start looking at how I can cut things out and be more responsible so I can really take care of myself instead of allowing someone else to take care of me.
15. Get a cashmere blanket.
16. Pray and talk to God more.
17. Ask the question: "What part in this do I have?" And change.
18. Look at the ways I play the victim. And change.
19. See more movies. By myself. And while you're at it, do more things by yourself.
20. Don't be bitter, be better. And realize that some cliches are worth considering.
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