Friday, February 18, 2011

Cleanse: Everyone In

Part of doing this cleanse, which I am starting on Monday and will document as a feature on the blog, is to set a goal to increase the chance that this will be a successful cleanse. So in order to make this commitment to myself, I want to write down why I'm doing it, so I can be accountable:

I have to start and complete this cleanse because I need to do something physical to rid myself of all the things I hold on to. One of the goals of this cleanse is to keep the body from working on processing empty calories. I think that's a great metaphor. I waste tons of energy on things of no value - people, thoughts, gossip, judgment, smoking, drinking. I need to experience life for three weeks without those things and see how I feel. Will I have more energy? Will I have more time to devote to things that are mentally and spiritually nutritious? I need to strengthen my immune system and have more energy for this new life that I'm creating for myself. I want more discipline and greater focus. Devoting myself to a three-week program and the resulting energy that it will bring me will help me attain greater discipline in my life. I eat things that go through the hands of many people in processing. I need to eat food directly that's made with my hands. I shouldn't let anyone be in control of my own mental and physical health. I've done that too much lately. So by eating the things I want to and tasting the tastes I want to taste, I am getting control back. And I am getting food in a more direct fashion, in a way where it doesn't lose its flavor or nutritional value.

I, of course, want to look hot and I want to see the layers of fat that I can't seem to get rid of melt away. I'm always working out and it seems like that final five or ten pounds always alludes me. It's the magic amount of weight that seems to keep me from seeing the true results of my workouts, which have been five to six times a week for the past couple of months. I am really dedicating myself to my workouts and it shows in my arms and my legs. But my chest isn't as defined as I want it to be and my stomach is flatter than it has been, but it does not serve to show off my shape. So I want what I have told myself was impossible because of genetics (a six pack or a really flat stomach) to be possible. I am not going to believe that thought that I can't have something that I want.

I want to test my will and push it to the limit and become a better person all around for it.

Okay. I've made the commitment. And it's about shopping and making the food necessary so I can start on Monday.

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