In Romantic Comedy Films, when two characters meet in a charming, adorable, totally unrealistic fashion, it’s said that they “meet cute.” Well, today I had a “meet nude” at the Korean Spa.
My bosses had given me a gift certificate to the Korean Spa I go to. I decided to go and get a massage and relax in the steam room and sauna. The massage was intense. When asked, I told the masseuse to go for it and give me tons of pressure. Ouch. It ended up being great, but five minutes into the massage I was regretting my instructions.
Afterwards, I relaxed in the steam room where this cute guy sat next to me. At first, I thought it might be the Return of New Haven. This guy looks exactly like him. It’s kind of scary. And since it was the spa, all of the bits and goodies were fully exposed. He hopped out of the steam room because it was getting a bit too steamy…in every regard.
I went to the patio to cool off and he was sitting there. I said hi and he said hi. There was a lot of silence. Some hesitation. Maybe some nerves. And there it was staring at me…his privates. And of course, me being me, I had to comment on the fact that I could see his penis. But he admitted to being comfortable naked. I like that quality in a man. He mentioned that he had to be at a meeting at 7:30. Then he quickly corrected himself: “I didn’t mean AA. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I have plenty of friends who are in AA and it’s good that they’re there.”
There’s one person in my life who I wish was in AA, but I didn’t think it was an appropriate time to mention that. So I agreed that I had friends who had benefitted greatly from AA. He did say that a lot of friends had asked him if he was going to AA lately. This raised eyebrows.
“Are you a heavy drinker?” I asked with some trepidation, but also to just put the kibosh on this interaction right now if that’s where it’s headed. He said that he wasn’t. As is my tradition, I had proposed a little short-term pleasure, and he mentioned that he’s a bigger fan of something that’s a bit less anonymous. So I asked him if we could exchange numbers to grab a drink some time. And he said he’d like that.
I just asked someone out. And this person happened to be naked and fully exposed when I did. I’m okay with that. It was nice to meet someone to have a conversation with. Naked. But a solid conversation none the less. And he was a bit shy, which is a nice change of pace. But he seemed to have personality. So who knows? I called his phone to leave him my number and he texted me back after I got out of my friend Padraic’s play. I like a quick responder. I do have a concern or two that he reminds me New Haven, who’s a friend who reminds me of my ex. And he fits the profile for guys that I have dated in the past.
I’m deciding not to put any expectations on any of it. And my concerns will be there if it’s of any consequence and I’ll deal with them then. So I’m just going to enjoy the rest of the week finishing the latest draft of this new play, getting ready to see my theatre friends and my high school friends this weekend. There’s plenty going on and if I end up having a drink with this guy, that’ll be nice. But not a priority.
It’s nice being flirted with, however.
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