Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ending this Chapter

When I started this blog, it was to really document my life post-break up. And now that I'm winding my blog down (at least THIS blog), I can truly say that my life has changed for the better.

I've been single for over seven it feels odd to feel that I need to write about how I'm coming back to myself because as the title reads "I'm back!" And I've been back for some time.

Now my life consists of going to play rehearsal...I've got a workshop coming up at the end of June and I had my first rehearsal with my director and actors yesterday. Writing is back front and center in my life. And being a playwright is back front and center in my life. I finished a full draft of my new play, THE SNAKE CHARMER, this past week. I used to go to the Humana Festival in Louisville, KY every year for my old job and that was my one weekend a year to really geek out and talk theatre. Now I talk about theatre all of the time. I just joined a group of LA writers working in theatre, film and TV called The Playwrights Union. I'm going to my friend Padraic's play here in LA on Tuesday. I'm going to see the Rude Mechs' The Method Gun on Thursday with my friend Karen. My theatre friends are here on Thursday through Sunday for the National Theatre Communications Group conference.

I truly feel like a playwright again. Not just because I'm having one very big intense week of theatre infusion, but because I'm actively writing and developing my work. And constantly finding more opportunities to do so. I've always loved the work I do and now I have the freedom to do it all of the time.

But this is just my life now. It's no longer about the journey to myself (although, it is a lifetime journey). I've broken free - although I do think about him from time to time. But I think the content and format of a blog should be different. Because this is a different chapter.

I'm also wanting to have a lot more fun. I want to write more about my sex life and my creative life...and my future dating life. This blog has been about figuring all of that stuff out in the early stages of a break up. And so much of it relates back to the break up. I no longer want to be defined by the break up, although there are obviously going to be references in the new blog I'll be starting.

I see these blogs as being short term. And I see them as being like novels. Like modern day Armistead Maupin novels (yes, I know he's alive and still writing them and that this statement may come to haunt me). I see myself as constantly reinventing myself and my blogs as time goes on. Each one will be finite and will be dedicated to a different theme, according to what's going on in my life at the time.

But it's time for more fun. And now that my job has ended and I'll be entering a new transition, that's a whole different thing as well. Life is constantly evolving and it does take place in chapters, some short and some longer.

I feel good about what this chapter in my life has meant and I feel truly appreciative for how this blog has helped me heal.

The bird has flown the coop! Watch me fly!

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