I've been seeing a bereavement counselor through my Father's hospice care program. In general, it has been helpful to have someone to talk to. But as I've been speaking to Thomas my bereavement counselor, I have realized that I really need a bit more help on a deeper level. So I'm back in therapy. And this guy is interesting. A bit passive maybe for my tastes. I want to give it three or four sessions to suss it out before I make a decision to change. But I didn't feel like it was quite clicking yet.
He seemed a bit put off by the fact that I seemed like I was holding it together. Well, my Dad just died and I was the one who held it together and I'm still probably in that mode. Besides, I don't know him that well yet and maybe I'm saving the waterworks until I've got a better feel for this guy. He's not encouraging me to open up necessarily. When I was going to therapy before, my former counselor made me feel comfortable. I cried for the first four sessions.
But this guy did say something very interesting at the end of the session after I had done all of the talking. He interjected selectively, but I felt very much like he was observing me and not engaging enough. I had talked about my anger towards my Dad, which I feel like I've worked through. He said that I almost seemed to be smiling when I talked about my anger. And it's not like I didn't have plenty of anger and expressed it. But I also got this image of the smiling Buddha. And I like that image.
But I told him that I came to therapy exactly so I could get below the surface. I acknowledged that there was a veneer, but that I came to therapy because I needed help with getting underneath my grief. I didn't like that he just thought I was putting on some sort of act or that I was just trying to hold it together. If I thought everything was hunky dory I wouldn't be sitting across from him! I'm ready to do some work. All of his questions seemed very rudimentary and very by the book. I don't respond to that. I don't respond to generic questions or a lack of imagination. I'm a writer! I want you to get there and to go deep.
Well, I will have to see how things go next week. The jury is still out.
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