Okay, so I'm going to do a juice cleanse starting tomorrow. This will be my third attempt at a cleanse this year.
1) I didn't finish. I tried to do it during the beginning of the year while I was travelling. Not that successful. It was a repeat of the 21 day immunity cleanse I did last year.
2) I decided to do when the Drummer was doing his cleanse. I lost 10 pounds. But I've since gained some back. This was during an intense part of my father's illness.
3) I'm kicking it off with a juice cleanse. Then going into the second week of my 21 day cleanse when I cut out white flour, sugar, all meat, soy, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and cooking with oil. And all preservatives.
The Drummer is on tour. He's gone for three weeks. This is the first time I've had to myself since my Dad died. And I think I need some uninterrupted me time while he's gone. One of the healthy things I want to do for myself is to cleanse myself of things I don't need. I have weight I don't need. I have toxins in my body I don't need. I actually have some people in my life I don't need right now either. I want to cleanse my body first with a deep juice cleanse and then I want to just live as purely and raw as possible. Just for a bit to see what I can take away from that. It's like a retreat from my regular life.
I'm going to try and be a bit quieter as well. Reading lots of books and finishing this pilot I'm supposed to be reading. Maybe some spa time as well. But really just some time to focus, to rest, to write and to be with my thoughts.
I'm stripping down! Maybe I'll go do some nude beaching at some point too. I just need to strip some things away. Cleanses have the tendency to be emotional. And I wouldn't mind a bit of emotion. Not at all. That would not be a bad thing at all.
I feel I need to strip away some of the dead skin that's hanging off of me since my Dad died. It's like losing a bunch of weight and getting surgery to trim the hanging fat. I'm tightening myself up.
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