Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tarot Cards: Birthday Reading

It has been about six months since my last Tarot Card Reading.

(Gosh, I just had flashbacks to my old days as a Catholic at confession)

I've learned a lot since then. About myself. And about the way I move through the world. Today is my birthday, so my friend Susan decided to do a reading for me to commemorate the occasion. I started a meditation practice. I feel like I have slowed down and distilled my life to the bare essence. Something in the air feels like it's time to build again. I have leveled my life. I have spent the past four years leveling my life and now it's time to build on this land again.

But what will I build? The reading had some indication.

Here's what my last reading was all about:

The last reading was very open ended. I was in the middle of a cycle and I wouldn't be ending it any time soon. Usually, the cards indicate some sort of cycle you're in. The cycle I was in would be continuing on for awhile. There was a feeling of transition and not of resolution. The gist was that things were happening for me. I was meeting people who could help out with my career, but it didn't feel like much was happening other than good will.

This reading felt much more definite. It felt like it is time for things to happen. The theme of the reading is BIG CHANGES. Susan felt bad about the reading because it didn't feel like good things were on the horizon. I remember the other times of big change in my life: my break up, my father's death, leaving a long time job. And those big changes brought about a whole new perspective in my life. I like big change because it means that what I have been working on steadily for a period of time was finally coming to fruition. I was finally giving birth to the next stage in my life. And nothing is born without labor and trauma. We don't come into this world delicately. We are forced out through a human being or we are cut out of her. It's violent. Plants break through the earth. Nothing is born without disruption.

So I go into this next phase with much excitement. Things are about to happen.

Where I am Right Now (King of Swords)

The King of Swords points to a very forceful energy. You may need to change something about your behavior, thoughts and/or expectations. If you're looking for work, a stereotypical man's man may be able to help. But you have to impress him on every level. In relationship to love, you have to accept your beloved as who he is. In terms of finances, face the reality of your situation head on. There is a need for generosity towards others.

Cut away from an old belief that has outlived its purpose. Listen to your intuition. A boss or co-worker won't mince words.

Setting the Stage (Tower)

The Tower is a card about Change. It seems that some people who used to be there for you aren't in the same way. Change is a part of life, this isn't dire. If you've been building castles in the air, it may be time for them to come crashing to earth. This is only a problem if you let it be. You'll make it through time time. Realize you've got all the resources you need. Control your temper. Sudden reversals can happen now. This can be an indicator that a relationship is about to end. Keep communication clear if you are in a relationship you want to stay in. Find out exactly what you are dealing with financially. Deal with any problems in a straight forward manner. Careful with drugs and alcohol. Keep a positive attitude.

Breaking a part a structure that keeps you bound. There's an inner urge to break free. Violent upheaval. Sweeping life clean. Now doors open. New chapters begin. A fresh start.

What I'm Learning This Month (10 of Wands)

You feel like you are carrying a heavy burden. How can you lighten your load? Don't do too much. Give yourself a break, you have been working too hard. If you've been looking for a new position, don't lose heart. You won't fail. Something in your relationship needs to be examined. Take the time. Make a financial plan. Massage and vacation can work wonders now.  Reach out for help in all areas.

You're a workaholic on a mission. You have so much responsibility. Take time to head out into the world and dispense new knowledge. Do things for yourself.

The Root/Unconscious/What I'm Standing On (7 of Wands)

In any competitive situation, you come out on top. Now is the time to feel your fear and do it anyway. Make clear where you stand with people. You'll help the situation by making your self clear. A big positive change is coming. This card is about thinking for yourself and independence. Now's the time to be self-employed. Expect an increase in finances. Be sensible with money. Think long term.

You possess the ability to succeed against opposition. The Writer's Card. Tie up loose ends of past. Rely on your own strength and judgment. Time to take the plunge towards self-employment.

The Last Two Weeks (Death)

Transformation and Change. Certain people or situations are not available to you as they once were. Let go of a self-limiting belief or attitude. Accept the change about to happen to make this transition easier. This change and destruction will be followed by renewal. You may benefit from a complete change of field. Do it. Face any problems in your relationship and try to fix it. If you can't, you might have to move on. Reach out for help. Deal with financial changes. Stay healthy. Don't abuse drugs or alcohol. Move through this "dark night of the soul."

Transition. Transformation. Permanent change is required. Are you afraid of the future? Seek out a new occupation or career.

How Others See you in the World (Wheel of Fortune)

This is a very spiritual and Karmically oriented time. Change. You are being called on to follow your dream. Reach out to someone who does what you dream of doing. Talk about how you're feeling in your relationship to get what you want. Financial circumstances are about to change.  Save for a rainy day when fortunes change. Hold yourself accountable for what is happening in your life.

Change. Take a gamble. Fates are trying to steer you in a new direction. New work cycle.

Next Two Weeks (5 of Wands)

Competition. Don't be afraid of competing. You have something to offer. You need to believe in yourself stronger than ever now. You may be thinking of making a career change and can be successful. In competition, the only way to lose is not to try. Don't be afraid of the competition. You can come out on top. Play fair. You or your partner may be pursued by many people. Even though money's tight, think about your financial situation calmly. You might not be able to make all of your obligations right now, but you will. Do what you can. Things will be better financially in the next couple of weeks. Give yourself time to rest and reset.

Others want what you want. Don't give in. Competition is stiff and frustrating. Efforts won't go unrewarded. Countering rivals. Ignore the gossip. Significant challenges.

Self-Concept (3 of Swords)

Allow yourself to fully experience any sorrow or joy that comes now. Very deep emotional issues that must be addressed before you can move on. Your whole life is not or should not be what you do professionally. Look in a different field. Ask for help. If there is difficulty in your relationship, know that you are being guided to the relationship that is right for you. If your financially is overwhelming, look at it at a chunk at a time. Ask for assistance. Don't hold onto things that have outlived their purpose. Make room for new blessings to come in.

Heartbreak. Loss. Disappointment. Intense feelings take their control. Letting go of what no longer serves you. Change must be made. Inspiration leads you far afield of where you started.

Hope or Fear (Judgment)

Don't jump to conclusions. Slow down. This can be a time of real spiritual awakening. Your efforts are being watched. If you have been working hard and doing your best, things are about to pay off. Make very clear what you want out of life and love. Money and contracts will be heading your way now. Things should be on a very important, positive upswing. Be open to new ideas and new experiences.

Major reality. Release the past. Awakening from your journey. Learn to mold awakedness with kindness. The journey moves in a spiral that goes up. Waking up to realize real work and path.

Home/Energy You Draw to Yourself (Son of Disks/Knight of Pentacles)

The Knight of Pentacles points to messages, most often about money and finance. You are likely to receive news you have been waiting on and this news is likely to be good. The Knight tells us to pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of our lives. It's a very practical card. You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people want you to accomplish. This is positive in terms of work, but you need to come across as even keeled in interviews, not as a maverick. Money is coming soon and could be coming in from anywhere. Keep your nose to the grindstone and don't bet more than you can afford to lose. Make small positive mundane changes in terms of health.

Set financial goals and stick to them. Headed for professional success and distraction. Steady income. Willingly accepting obligation and taking responsibility for actions.

Next Steps (World)

How good are you at asking for help when you need it? You might feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, but don't feel like you have to go at it alone. You've worked hard and you're almost at the finish line in some way. Don't quit now that you're almost finished. You are in need of rest and relaxation, don't be afraid to take it. You are getting closer to who you really are at your deepest levels. In terms of work, there's a chance that you're working too hard for too little recognition and money. If this is the case blow your own horn a little, don't be afraid and don't be overlooked. You might be finding your relationship rising to greater heights. Your financial blockage is about to break and you'll be flush again soon. Don't go mad with spending when it does happen. Make sure to save. Follow your instincts about what is best for your health. Might be time to find a healer. You are likely to have clear flashes of spiritual insights at this time.

The fool's journey ends. Reached a deep understanding. Most private beliefs affect the world. Completion. Success. Fulfillment. Don't assume ultimate goal has been attained. Travel. Foreign contacts. Overcome limitations.

Overall, a positive reading. I think big changes are on their way. But big rewards are also on their way as a result of these big changes. This was a good reading to have as I'm embarking on another year on this planet. It's a pretty wonderful atmosphere to be in.

I'm breaking through.

I am grateful for friends who offer their help.
I am grateful for awakenings.
I am grateful for a spiritual path.
I am grateful for change.
I am grateful for disruption.
I am grateful for what I didn't know before.
I am grateful for what I know now.
I am grateful for the shock of the new.
I am grateful for inner peace.
I am grateful for curiosity and wonderment.
I am grateful for being born.
I am grateful for this wonderful weather.
I am grateful for the whole day to rest and relax and recoup.

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