I should have written this yesterday. Yesterday was the end of this cleanse. But I was cooking yesterday. I made a roast chicken and turkey meatballs.
I feel equipped. I can handle my health now. If I did nothing else and just gave up caffeine, that would be a huge accomplishment. This cleanse is teaching me to cut back on things I thought were okay or healthy for me. One big thing is the preservatives. My body does not need all of that crap going into it.
I have control over my body. I have a great routine going. Monday, Wednesday and Friday's I'm at the gym in the mornings lifting. Tuesday and Thursday, I'm at the gym running. Although I think I might switch that up and go for morning runs near my office for the next two weeks to see how that feels. I feel like I need to run outside. I can run for longer that way. And Monday and Wednesday nights, I have hip hop class. I'm also trying to give myself more of a break on the weekends from working out. Except for my 1 1/2 hour yoga class, which I love with my friend Nicole.
I do want to find a kickboxing class or a place where I can train. I might want to start boxing. Isn't that weird? I'm finding this inner tough guy. I already found my inner top years ago, so it just makes sense that my inner top now wants to box.
And because I love it, it would be great to find another class where I can really take ballet technique, just because that sort of discipline is great. I think this is all starting to have a great effect on my focus and discipline in other areas. It is really making a huge difference.
That's the gift of a cleanse. It allows me to get rigorous about a routine for a set period of time. Then I can say, great! I'm keeping this, but I still want to do this. And then the next cleanse, maybe I pick up another good habit. Or maybe the cleanse inspires me to pick up other things I've always wanted to do. It no longer feels like this strict lifestyle. It's just what I want to do to live better.
When the ex and I were together and I had to go out of town for work or I was away somewhere by myself, my instinct was always to do something healthy. I'd work out every day. I'd go on runs. Sure I'd drink and smoke, because that was part of the socializing. But I tried to fit in time for myself. Now I'm LIVING time for myself. All my time is my own. And it's important for me to find a groove where I can build a lifestyle that's healthy for me, not just do it for four days straight while on vacation or away. The more I add these things to my life, the less room there is for the less productive stuff.
No empty calories. That's a big thing I'm taking away. Don't waste good energy on useless shit. That potato chip, that cookie isn't doing anything for me. That abusive relationship, that nasty conversation, that person who doesn't realize how special I am - not doing anything. I don't need to waste my time and good energy convincing people to like me in work or in life. I just need to do my work and let the results show. The masses will follow.
Starting new habits. It only takes 21 days.
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