Today's the first day of my cleanse.
I woke up late. Or normal time according to the boyfriend. 11 AM. The boyfriend's a musician and we stay up late. I need to change that. At least for me.
I took my psyllium husk powder and then I went to the gym. Hour workout. Started on the rowing machine, which is my favorite new thing. Then legs. Then chest and back. Then shoulders and arms.
Came back and made two burritos with Esekiel tortillas, black beans, mango salsa, pico de gallo and lettuce.
Then did some work on this blog.
Tonight I"m going to my friend Christine's to have my tarot cards read. Haven't done that in almost a year. Really looking forward to that. My big question will most likely be about my work. Those are always the things I wonder about. But this time it won't be about getting that "dream job." But it will be about work and life balance and my priorities with my work. Keeping focused on what I love to do. Money wouldn't be bad either. Need to make some of that for when the unemployment runs out.
Dinner will probably be the corn pasta with ground chicken and spices and veggies. And a salad. Drinking my detox tea now. Going over to Christine's with some chips, mango salsa and hummus.
I'm looking forward to this. The last cleanse brought about so much good change that I'm ready to make this more about a lifestyle and seeing what things I can cut out of my diet.
What don't I need anymore? What has served its purpose?
Is that sugar? Is that red meat? Is that cigarettes?
Is it people who put me down? Judgement? Self loathing?
That's the big question on this cleanse: What don't I need anymore?
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