Last year, at some point after the break up, I had Christine do my card reading. It was so helpful to have her read my cards and I decided that with the new year, I would have her do it again. So here's what she said.
I forget what the formation was called that we used, but basically we took seven cards and put them in a V formation. So starting with the top left and working down...
First Card: Past/Process of Ending - this refers to anything that happened when I walked into her house
This refers to emotional freedom, jealousy conquered. The past can now be seen with clarity. I'm on the right path. Let go of anything not letting me completely be free.
I just came out of a year where I started coming back to myself. I'm letting go of anything that doesn't allow me to be myself and to express my true nature. I had to experience the pain of not living my true nature to truly value it. So now I can look at it with gratitude. If this is what I walked in the door with, then the five years I spent fighting for who I am and sometimes giving that up amounted to something useful.
Second Card: Present
This can represent both positive and negative aspects. Security and strength. It represents certain ideals that I stand for, but it can also mean that I'm fixed. I have the challenge to submit and surrender.
When we talked about this card, Christine and I both acknowledged the good and bad aspects. I have spent years beliving certain things to be true. Part of that is because I have lived my experience. But some of those beliefs came from my family or from my limitations. Such as having to really have a certain amount of experience in order to enjoy success. But I'm on a path of constant learning and I was risking never getting to a place where I felt I deserved it because I always am learning. Last year, I truly went from student to teacher and I started to engage with my authority. I have also decided to look at every belief I have and challenge it and to be open to there being a new way of thinking.
Third Card: Future Just About to Begin
Very strong card. Wholeness. Power gained through both conscious and unconscious means. There might be a fear of unproven strength, but there is no return to weakness or ignorance. I need to trust my inner guide more. I'm in a process of discovering and I should pay attention to what my dreams are saying.
I can feel myself becoming more whole. I spent more time in quiet thought and just listening to the messages around me, rather than covering up the knowledge that the Universe is offering up. Because I am starting to trust my inner guide more, I discover more connections and I am being guided in certain directions, towards certain people and situations that support me. I also have been having crazy dreams lately and I suppose now I need to pay more attention to them. I do have a fear of what I haven't proven yet, probably a fear that the strength either isn't as strong or isn't there in ways I need it to be. I just need to shut up and trust it. This is how I heard what the cards were saying.
Fourth Card: What to Do
Victory. Success. Breakthrough. All goals should be easily reached. Struggle won by fair means. Do what you were planning to do. Question: What does Victory mean to you?
The Fourth Card, which refers to What To Do, basically said Do What You Were Planning to Do. There is no clearer message than that. But the question of what does Victory or Success mean to me has great meaning and resonance. And it means something entirely different to me than it did a year ago. And I like that this card is saying that my goals should be easily reached. As easy as reaching for them...right?
Fifth Card: Helpful/Disturbing Energies from the Outside
There's a fear of loss/defeat. Painful experiences. Fear of losing control. Challenge: make room for objectification/clarity.
I interpreted this card to mean that with all of this energy in a positive direction, what is holding me back is made clearer. I have had painful experiences which made me feel that I won't accomplish what I want to accomplish. And the next card proves that way of thinking is done.
Sixth Card: Greatest Hopes/Fears
This is the last card in the major arcana. Travel. Liberation from Bondage. New beginnings or a higher level of being. Now See the world as it is. I am at one with my original nature. The serpent has outlived its usefulness. New beginning.
I interpreted this very strong card as certification that I'm on the right path. That I don't need to beat myself down to lift myself up: The serpent has outlived its usefulness. This refers to both my father and my ex and other influences in my life which have made me feel like I need to be hard on myself to flourish. I needed the serpent or felt that I needed him before. I don't need the serpent any more.
Seventh Card: Result/Outcome
Intuition. Creative Thinking. Free of limited thinking. Perception. Time to give shape and form to ideas. Free yourself from limits. Express your ideas in ways people can understand, even if those ideas are ahead of their time. Do some Creative Visualisation. Creativity has no limits.
Well, that kind of says it all. In summation, go for it. Just Do It. Make it happen. There are no limits. All in all, a great reading. And just the encouragement I needed to start this new year and this new beginning.
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