The word meditate came up four times yesterday.
1) I have been thinking about meditation for the past several months. I have been closing my eyes in the morning and getting to a quiet place. That usually results in me falling asleep. I have also been driving with the sound off in my car for years. I have been carving out quiet and alone time for myself as well. Going to the spa. Going to the gym. Not talking to my boyfriend when I come home. But I haven't quite made it to meditation. I've taken out two books from the library: How to Practice by the Dalai Lama and Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity by David Lynch. I have had the Dalai Lama book for 3 months. I've picked it up, read it, been confused by it. I've checked it out three times in a row. Then I checked out the David Lynch book. I thought that was going to be a book that would tell me how to meditate. It was not. It was a great book that extolled the benefits of meditation. But it had nothing in terms of instruction. It was just, "Meditation is great. You should do it. This one time, when we were shooting Dune…." But I read it three times because it was so easy to read and it did feel comforting and it was related to how mediation affected his work. It was more of a pep talk in preparation to mediate. And for that, it was good.
2) My best friend Alanna responded to an email in which I requested some help working out some characters for a new pilot I'm writing. "I'll meditate on it." I thought that was an interesting choice of words, given my preoccupation with mediating.
3) My friend Jenn and I met up yesterday to talk about a play that she wrote and wanted my feedback on. Somehow we got on the topic of meditation and she mentioned to me a bunch of meditation apps that she uses and sent me some resources.
4) My friend Susan and I were talking yesterday about writing and family and other issues going on when she mentioned that she had started meditating again.
So it's in the air. I literally had it come in from four separate sources yesterday. Meditating is an important thing for me to do. I need to calm myself and center my mind. I have been thinking about it forever and it seems like the Universe is telling me it's time to get to it.
I need to find a quiet space. And maybe try out those meditation apps tonight.
I am grateful for the acknowledgement that my journey has been a good one.
I am grateful that I have friends who are talking about meditating.
I am grateful for my ability to listen to the Universe when it's speaking.
I am grateful for my upcoming trip to Portland.
I am grateful that I can see how everything that has happened in my life has lead me here.
I am grateful that I have come a long way.
I am grateful that I can finally see how long that way has been and that I can appreciate it.
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