Monday, October 31, 2011

Full Circle

Well, it's Halloween.

Halloween was the day it all fell apart in my relationship last year. I had my sort of melancholy day of rememberance yesterday...and today, I'm excited. I just woke up next to a man that I care a great deal for. We slept in each other's arms all night. He tells me exactly what's on his mind. He's got a hot body and we have ridiculous sex...often.

What a difference a year makes.

We're going to the Halloween Parade in WeHo tonight as a Cowboy and Indian...with other friends who are going to be cowboys and indians. I actually might run into the Ex...but I don't seem to care. We might actually run into the friends who The Drummer and I share in common, but don't know that we're dating. That's fine. I'm ready to take my relationship onto the streets of West Hollywood.

I want Halloween to be a time of fun and silliness and not just the anniversary of the day I decided my relationship was over. And I think it will be.

Yesterday, the Drummer and I hung out in Venice. It was a beautiful day and we found great parking, which for me is kind of like finding a pot of gold. Then we walked down to the beach and ran into my friend Callie. When I went to introduce The Drummer, it turns out that he knows Callie as well. What? That's wackadoodle! So we joined Callie and her friends for lunch. That was fun.

Then we parted ways and decided to rent a tandem bike. At first, I was hesitant. I thought it might be cheesy or difficult to maneuver. But the Drummer pressed on. He wanted to do it and I didn't want to be a Debby Downer. So we rented the bike and got on. And instantly...I was like, "Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!" It was awesome! I felt like I was twelve years old and I was riding on the back of the bike of the boy I like. It felt liberating. I don't was this weird moment of feeling like I guess most people feel when they're doing something with their heterosexual partners. We were both pedaling fast and jamming down the beach. I guess that's what happens when you've got two fit people cycling down. It just felt like I was riding with my man. It was silly and great simple fun. I'm glad I got out of my own head and just went with it.

Then The Drummer suggested we drive out to the high desert. And I just say "Okay." I mean, the day is going well so far, why get in the way with my opinion, right? So one of the first stops we make is at this General Store called Charlie's near Palmdale. It's like a candy and food emporium. So while we're picking some snacks to for the road, I hear something on the sound system. I gasp. Then I call The Drummer over. One of my favorite songs, "I Love Everything About You" by Stevie Wonder is on. I think it's from InnerVisions, but it's a more obscure song. It's no "Superstition" or "Do I Do." But it's my FAVE. And just how I was feeling that day, it just was the perfect thing. I made him listen to it. That's definitely how I'm feeling, but I haven't said it yet. And I actually even said as much a few weeks ago. I said, "I love just everything about you." I didn't remember that until now. It's as close as I've gotten to saying those actual three words, even though they seem to be on the tip of my tongue all of the time.

We get a couple of milk shakes, Boysenberry and Date, respectively, and hit the road. We keep stopping our conversation to point out the mountains and the gorgeous pinks, blues, reds and oranges that are a part of the sunset. It's breathtaking. Then "Sweet Inspiration" by the Sweet Inspirations comes on the radio. We're listening to Sirius XM's Soul Town. That happens to be one of my faves as well. Actually, the Barbra Streisand version that she performed on "Barbra Streisand and Other Musical Instruments." I saw it years ago at the Museum of TV and Radio in NYC. I'm not old enough to remember it myself. But it was terrific. And it's also on her Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 AND on the A Happening in Central Park album. She merges it with "Where You Lead" by Carole King. And that's kind of how I felt earlier in that day. I would go where he leads.

And right after that, Gladys Knight and the Pips' "If I Was Your Woman" comes on. There's nothing like Gladys Knight and the Pips. "Neither One Of Us" is one of my faves as well. So I felt like the soul singers of yesteryear were looking over us and providing a bit of a soundtrack. And it was the perfect way to spend the day with my sweetheart, on the eve of the anniversary of the day I walked out from my past relationship. It was a hearty reminder that things have indeed gotten better in a year's time. And that they were only going to improve.

It's because I don't feel threatened that he's trying to change me that I can watch football, that I can ride tandem, that I can just let go of my bossy nature. I hated doing the things that my Ex wanted to do because I felt like he was trying to control me. I realize now that part of that was my own shit. But he was also bossy. But with the Drummer, it's not a threat. I like being exposed to new things and so does he. Although I'm sure he's gotten his fill of the Real Housewives of...Everywhere.

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