Thursday, August 16, 2012


During yoga today, today's thought was about patterns.  What are the patterns we have in our lives and what can we do to go about changing them?

I feel like I'm focused on looking at those patters and finding ways to change.  Both my break up with my Ex and my Father's illness and death made me focused on the role patterns play in my life.  I have established certain patterns with people and I've repeated certain patterns throughout various relationships in my life.

One I happen to be exploring in therapy is this idea that I want people to take care of me.  Mainly men.  And it's not necessarily financial, although that has happened.  But it is emotional.  I want to feel safe so what I need you to do is ______________.  That's how I've been rolling for most of my life.

And the theme that has been coming along with breaking these patterns is the idea of LET IT GO.  Here's another place where that phrase applies. 

I'm really trying to change a lot of things that have been established in my life.  I suppose this is the time to do it, after two major life changes in the past two years.  So to go from last Tuesday's lesson to focus on what responsibility we carry on our shoulders to today's pattern-acknowledging and breaking is great to help me get to the place in my life I want to be at. 

So I'll spend a lot of time reflecting on my patterns this weekend.  And maybe what new healthy patterns I want to establish for myself.

Like going to yoga. 
Like writing every day.
Like writing consistently.
Like eating healthy.

Patterns mean that you have some sort of mindfulness about what you're doing and I'd like to have mindfulness in a healthy way.

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