Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Working Towards Quiet

My friend Dave and I had coffee last night.  In addition to all of the wonderful things he said about my spiritual growth, he mentioned that I needed to start meditating.

This is not the first time I have heard this.

Susan mentioned months ago that I need to start meditating.

So I decided to try something.  I have combined my running and mediation together.  As you can read from the following:

There's more.  That's just a sampling.  

I have a hard time sitting still and meditating, so I decided that I could run and have a mantra while running.  That seemed cool.  And I still do it and I love it.  And I have already started driving without the radio.  Quiet is something I am more and more comfortable with.  I go to the Korean spa when I want stillness.  Stillness with a side of naked guys and jacuzzi bubbles.  I'm getting there, right?

But Dave challenged me to really try and sit still.  Ugh!  Zen Meditation, he said.

Okay, but how do I do that?  Then I remembered that a professor in college had us show up and do a mediation three days a week as a part of our course work.  That was his requirement.  

So you know how to do it, Dave said.  I guess I do.  He suggested reading "How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life" by the Dalai Lama.

Okay, I just checked out the book from the library.  Maybe I'll go to the Korean spa later and sit down and read it.

I have to start somewhere.

I am grateful for a guide to mediation.
I am grateful that I am letting go of my fear around mediation.

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